Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Two Lines in Schedules

You may be aware that we can force a schedule field to use a new line by pressing Shift + Enter. This permits you to enter new information on a second line but once you finish editing the cell Revit will only show the single row. When the schedule is placed on a sheet you'll see both lines or how ever many you force it to use.

If you do this and need to edit the information again you'll need to use the Left Arrow key to advance the cursor to the next line(s). It's a little quirky. With the lack of fidelity between sheet and schedule editing view you'll also have to experiment with the width of columns to get them look correct on sheets.

Hopefully its obvious but I'll mention it anyway, this Shift + Enter only works on fields that we type values into not those that are calculated or based on other value supplied by the elements themselves, like Family, Type, Height, Width etc. Technically you might be able to enter something but it will still have to provide an acceptable result to the family itself.

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