Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blog Plug - Steven Shell

Just a short post tonight to plug a new blog that my friend Steven Shell decided to start called BIM: Integrating Art & Technology He is a practicing architect in Tuscon (sole practitioner) that skipped over the whole "CAD thing" and went straight to Revit from hand drafting. He's a self taught Revit aficionado that will tell you he's learned from the Revit community's willingness to help and share with each other. That and his own irrepressible style and creativity...

He's also a lover of music and expresses it through his guitar and the band he fronts called Shell Shock. That's why I call him the "rock-n-roll architect". I've had the pleasure of sitting in with his band (on drums) a couple times in the past. I'm grateful for the guys tolerating me bringing their quality down briefly.

As a solo architect making his way in this new "BIM World" I think he has something to offer others. Often we just need some confidence based on the knowledge that someone like "me" is out there doing it and so can I. He's considered starting a blog before but worried about what he wanted to say. He seems to think he's sorted that out and has begun. The easy part is done, starting it. I'm hopeful he continues to find a reason to write, to share his thoughts with us!

Go Steve!

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