Monday, August 5, 2013

Revit Technology Conference - Europe

If you've been reading this blog you've heard me plug many RTC conferences before. Yes I'm a fan, enough so that I got involved with the committee to help bring it to North America beginning in 2011. This September RTC will land in Europe for the first time, in Delft, Holland. Holland and the Dutch have held a special place in my heart ever since I lived there when I was nine. So naturally when the RTC Events staff and the European committee decided the first location should be there I was IN! If you're like me, living anywhere but Holland, it's a great excuse to go to Europe! The RTC experience and Revity goodness is just gravy on top!

The first event in Europe will be two days, Friday and Saturday (September 27 & 28, 2013) versus the three days of the other events in Australasia and North America. The venue arrangement is a little different too. RTC's have traditionally been held at a resort hotel that also has meeting facilities. Since Europe as a whole approaches this sort of thing differently the event needs to as well. I'm looking forward to the experience!

Here are links to consider if you are on the fence about attending:

RTC Europe 2013 Site
Schedule of Sessions

Registration Costs
Register Now

RTC Videos (get a taste of RTC)
RTC Commentary (attendees/bloggers)

I'm practicing my Dutch!

Hallo! Goedenavond! Ja nog een biertje neem! and later... Waar is mijn hotel?

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