Thursday, June 27, 2013

Schedules Can Include Linked File Information

My reply to a thread at AUGI this morning prompted me to post this. I've probably mentioned this in the past but it's easy to overlook. When you use a schedule that includes elements that are in linked files you can also include two parameters for the linked file. It starts by checking the option to Include Elements in Linked Files. Then you can choose the drop down list Select available fields from:

Choosing RVT Links will provide two parameters: File Name and Name (a value you can control/change). The following image is a little mockup of windows that are both in the host file and in a linked file. The issue expressed in the AUGI thread is figuring out which file incorrect windows are in so they can be replaced. In that situation there were many linked files so it wasn't as easy as opening up one linked file.

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