Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Family Editor Resources

First Item of interest:
Paul Aubin recently completed a new video course for the Revit Family Editor, hosted on These are the families that get attention during the video which is 6 hours and 44 minutes.

Course Highlights are (Table of Contents):

  1. Introduction and high level concepts: covering what a Family is, the Revit element hierarchy, libraries and differences between model and annotation Families. Strategies and course focus are also covered.
  2. Annotation Families: covering kinds of annotation, creating Generic Annotation and Tag Families and using Shared Parameters in Tag Families.
  3. Simple Model Families: covering the overall model Family creation process, hosts and hosted, reference planes, constraints, labeled dimensions, work planes, flexing and testing.
  4. Family Geometry: detailed look at: Extrusions, Blends, Revolves, Sweeps, Swept Blends and void form basics.
  5. Beyond Geometry: includes coverage of identity data, Family Types, Type Catalogs, material parameters, visibility parameters and subcategories.
  6. A Family in a Family: covering nested Families, Shared Families, Profile Families and parametric arrays.Families01 300x125 New Revit Family Editor Course on
  7. Controlling Visibility: explores symbolic lines, element visibility, level of detail display and controlling overhead display in plan.
  8. Building Complex Parametric Families: begins tying together many of the previous topics to create a more complex whole. Covers planning, reference plane strategies, nesting components, arrays, parameters, formulas driving parameters and parameters.
  9. Parametric Annotation Family: ties together many previous topics to create a more complex annotation Family. A parametric key plan Family using conditional formulas to drive visibility is showcased.
  10. Driving Angular Parameters: Controlling rotation and angles can be a challenge. This chapter uses a Door Family as an example to showcase how to parametrically control rotation and angular parameters.
  11. Advanced Strategies – Control a curve parametrically: Controlling curves can be a challenge. This chapter uses a brick arch Family to showcase how to parametrically control the flexing of curves in the Family editor. It also delves into advanced and complex formulas used to drive circle geometry. Advanced trigonomic functions are utilized to constraint the curve’s flexing behavior.

Second Item of Interest:

The Revit 2012 Family Standards and Best Practices version 2.0 has been released by CTC (CAD Technology Center).

Read the Table of Contents
Read Sample Pages
To find out more CLICK HERE.

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