Thursday, July 25, 2013

An Apology to Mr. Baldacchino

I've made references to David Baldacchino's blog many times in my own posts here. In a casual conversation (at a very late hour) during the last evening at RTC in Vancouver David mentioned to me that I routinely misspell his name. Shock, shudder, dismay!!! Say it isn't so!

    I did some research. I found out David is spelling his name wrong, I'm off the hook.

Okay no not really. I found five posts that mispelled his name Baldachinno (two n's) instead of the correct way Baldacchino. There are a total of twenty posts that refer to him or his blog. So I was wrong about 1/4 of the times I mentioned him. Not good, not terrible...still wrong.

Hey David! I fixed them all!! Well I feel better now!

Sorry David, I'll do better from now on! From now on I'm just going to call you Mr. Do U. Wevit :)

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