Monday, September 10, 2012

RTC Session Datasets for Shared Coordinates

To the people that attended my session at both RTC events.

I apologize for being slack!

It's been months now since Wollongong (May) and only one less since Stone Mountain (June). I'm apologizing because until tonight attendees couldn't actually get the data set files I promised. I've let this issue slip and slide underneath everything else going on and that's not fair. I did try several different times to upload the data but between spotty connections at hotels, the distance and the size of the dataset the upload kept failing. So finally last night we got past that with Bo's help at the BD Group/RTC Events office...thanks Bo!

Thanks for being patient, even if you gave up on me ;)

Session Title: Coordinating Projects with Shared Coordinates

Session in Wollongong, to login for the Materials: CLICK HERE
Session in Stone Mountain, to login for the Materials: CLICK HERE

You'll need to refer to the email you received that provided the login password for the conference you attended.

The only difference between the files offered? There is one project file with "slides" for each location of the conference. The Large and Small project folders contain the same collection regardless of where you attended the session.

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