Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vasari 2.5 Released

Climbing out from under the rock I've been under, I'm just writing this post on the off chance that some of the people that read this blog don't also read David's or Brian's or Zach's or... well you get the idea. I got an invitation to attend the webex announcement but work comes first!

One feature that will make plain old Revit users a bit miffed is the new perspective view mode that you can model and see your model in perspective at the same time! Yeah, I who wants that? (that's sarcasm if you are Sheldon Cooper btw)

It's been updated at Autodesk Labs now, you can go there to download it. They extended the update to expire on August 31, 2012. Keep in mind that the site says the program will no longer operate after that date.

Check out the videos at You Tube, I embedded this one as the temptress, be tempted you know you want to be.

Video - Overview
Video - Extruding Faces

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