Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dept. of Off Topic - Ideal Workstation

Just something to shoot for. I know we can't all work in this luxury!!

My temporary situation while sorting out some interior things and I thought it was the perfect compact workstation, ha! It is a drag that I can't have the Space Navigator or Wacom Intous fired's temporary... Oh, look closely and you'll see Project Spark installing!

When I bought this Dell they didn't send me a mouse pad which is odd because every for other Dell I bought (and I've been responsible for buying a lot over the years) they did. So as "punishment" I always use the HP mouse pad. Sad...

In Search of a Side Door Managing Links

I wrote about the Manage Links dialog yesterday. Something else has been bugging me about it so here's another post. I'd love a side door to Import a file from the Manage Links dialog!!! It would be nice to be able to click Import File when I've realized that I need to do that instead of closing the dialog and then clicking the front door buttons for the task. Each tab could have its own side door for the appropriate file type. Crazy?

There are other precedents like the Materials browse button in the Edit Assembly dialog for walls, floors, roofs, ceilings. Another precedent, the browse button for accessing Assembly Code data?

See, not so crazy me thinks!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wacom Inkling - Cool!

Interesting morning...echoing a couple other blogs, I already enjoy Wacom products but this one is cooler still! Video is better than my words!

I like how they picked a color for the video that compliments my blog color scheme? Yeah, I'm sure they did it for that reason...